"You're about to discover one of the most advanced and lucrative Wealth Creating Programs in the world..."
Over $2000 In FREE Products, Ebooks And Software Including List Building, Social Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Craigslist Marketing Techniques And More!
A system designed to dramatically increase your income period! There is absolutely no product selling involved, no chasing friends and family, no potions and lotions, no blogging, no meetings... ...only the desire to bring out the champion in you! But beware, time is ticking away... don't get left behind! Are you ready to gain financial independence? Learn how you can take control of the amount of income that you bring into your household, and learn how to achieve success beyond your dreams. Our proven method helps individuals like you, reach their career and personal goals. We provide our members with a way of earning a substantial income along with many advertising options to promote your favorite websites or programs.
How It Works: Each New Pro Member you refer, must 1st Qualify to receive commissions by simply passing up just their "1st" sale to YOU!
This is the very Uniquely Designed feature that can easily cause your System to "EXPLODE" into a very lucrative FULLY AUTOMATED "Passive Income"! The amazing "Compounding" effect of Pro Members passing up just their "1st" sale to their referrer can quickly leverage your earnings into an Ever Growing Income! [ Check out our details page for more info ]
Executive Members DO NOT have to pass up their first referral! (you must join executive or upgrade before you get any referrals)
The Prosperity Wealth Network does NOT use "Multi-Levels" and there are NO "Downlines"... Again, it is a simple "Pass Up Your First Sale To Your Referrer Plan"... that's it!
Member Benefits:
Earn $15.00 (60% Commission) For Every New Pro Referral
Earn $45.00 (75% Commission) For Every New Executive Referral
Each Membership Level Earns Commissions On Referral Advertising Purchases (When Your Referral Buys Advertising, You Earn Commission!)
Commissions Credited To Your Account
No Pass Up For Executive Members
Over $2000 In FREE Products, Ebooks And Software Including List Building, Social Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Craigslist Marketing Techniques And More.
Free Monthly Advertising Credited To Your Account which includes credit solo emails, banner ads, login ads.
Email The Entire Membership
Email Your Referrals
Financial Freedom
Remember, You'll Always Miss 100% of the Shots You Never Take. Don't Miss This One - It Could be the Shot of a Lifetime!
Expect The Best From YourSelf and NO One Else!
Take The First Step To Finacial Freedom. Choose Your Membership Option Below! |